Steps on how to use the Layer List tool on the Coastal Atlas

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Step 1: "How to use the Layer List tool."  Icon highlighted of the tool to click for the Layer List.


Step 1 screenshot.


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Step 2: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas Layer List tool to show the widget drop down of map layers available"


Step 6 screenshot. 

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Step 3: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas check box to the left of the heading group to display the layer Living Resources Map layers"


Step 7 screenshot.

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Step 4: User left click in "Maryland Coastal arrow on left of layer (s) to show item layer symbology on the map"


Step 8 screenshot.

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Step 5: User mouse wheel down in "Maryland Coastal Atlas highlight other map layers within the Living Resources group"


Step 9 screenshot.

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Step 6: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and selects arrow to show Sensitive Shorebirds map symbology (viewable in Legend)"


Step 10 screenshot.

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Step 7: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and turns off MD Amphibian and Reptile Atlas Grid"


Step 11 screenshot.

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Step 8: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and turns off Sensitive Shorebird Areas map layer"


Step 12 screenshot.

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Step 9: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas ellipses to right of map layer to get drop down submenu selecting the View Attribute table for the dataset Fish Blockages"


Step 16 screenshot.

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Step 10: User left click on "Hide Attribute Table (group)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas”


Step 17 screenshot. 

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Step 11: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas on ellipses again of Fish Blockages"


Step 18 screenshot. 

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Step 12: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and selects Description in drop down submenu for map layer"


Step 19 screenshot.

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Step 13: User left click on "Layer: Fish Blockage Locations (ID: 0) tab (list item)" in "Layer: Fish Blockage Locations (ID: 0) to show Map Layer abridged version of metadata” Full metadata can be Downloaded from Maryland iMap Open Catalog for all datasets.


Step 20 screenshot. 

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Step 14: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas tab (list item)" in "Layer: Fish Blockage Locations (ID: 0) opens in a new browser tab"


Step 21 screenshot. 

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Step 15: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and returns to Atlas tab"


Step 22 screenshot. 

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Step 16: User left click on "Close" Maryland Coastal Atlas after selecting a Fish Blockage point (s) to display a pop – up window"


Step 23 screenshot.

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Step 17: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas ellipses to Disable pop-up for Fish Blockages the reverse is done to Enable pop ups which are by default set on in the map application.”


Step 25 screenshot.

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Recording Session: ‎6/‎21/‎2018 10:35:52 AM - 10:37:55 AM

Recorded Steps: 30, Missed Steps: 0, Other Errors: 0

Operating System: 16299.431.amd64fre.rs3_release_svc_escrow.180502-1908

Step 1: User Comment: "How to use the Layer List tool."
UI Elements:

Step 2: User left click on "Layer List (group)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Layer List, Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 3: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 4: User mouse drag start on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 5: User mouse drag end on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 6: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 7: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 8: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 9: User mouse wheel down in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 10: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 11: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 12: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 13: User mouse drag start on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 14: User mouse drag end on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 15: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 16: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 17: User left click on "Hide Attribute Table (group)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Hide Attribute Table, Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 18: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 19: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 1 more page ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 20: User left click on "Layer: Fish Blockage Locations (ID: 0) tab (list item)" in "Layer: Fish Blockage Locations (ID: 0) and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Layer: Fish Blockage Locations (ID: 0) tab, GridViewItem, GridView

Step 21: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas tab (list item)" in "Layer: Fish Blockage Locations (ID: 0) and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas tab, GridViewItem, GridView

Step 22: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 23: User left click on "Close (group)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Close, Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 24: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 25: User left click in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 26: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 27: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 28: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 29: User left click on "Maryland Coastal Atlas (pane)" in "Maryland Coastal Atlas and 2 more pages ‎- Microsoft Edge"
Program: Microsoft Edge, 11.00.16299.402 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE -SERVERNAME:MICROSOFTEDGE.APPXDNHJHCCW3ZF0J06TKG3JTQR00QDM0KHC.MCA, MICROSOFTEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Maryland Coastal Atlas,, Internet Explorer_Server, WebRuntime Component View, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow, Maryland Coastal Atlas, ScrollViewer, LandmarkTarget

Step 30: User left click on "Steps Recorder - 1 running window (button)"
Program: Windows Explorer, 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800), Microsoft Corporation, EXPLORER.EXE, EXPLORER.EXE
UI Elements: Steps Recorder - 1 running window, Running applications, MSTaskListWClass, Running applications, MSTaskSwWClass, ReBarWindow32, Shell_TrayWnd

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